Thursday, July 24, 2008

Rehearsal Day 15, July 11th

Last night we were working on a scene and Sheryl said to me, "Jason thinks that Marco should leave Giulia and be with Veronica, but that is not what Marco thinks." This struck me - especially after what I wrote in the last blog entry. Being the sentimental, heart-driven person I am, of course I think Marco should choose love over anything, but Sheryl was right. If Marco made that choice, there would be no play. Marco must be battling with his own super objectives throughout the story until the last minute where he does his first selfless act, gives up his life for love. Then and only then can the story find resolution.

With this is mind, I sat this morning with my moleskine and mapped out Marco's super objectives, his plan for his life and how it changes after specific scenes. I thought that I would share what I came up with. As of right now, it is what is making the most sense. I think I need to become even more specific and raise the strength of the objectives but here is what I have:

Top of the show: become the rich, famous senator who has everything.

Kiss me scene: become the rich, famous senator who has the perfect
girl (Veronica).

Wedding scene: become the rich, famous, noble senator who serves his country.

Post art song scene: become the rich, famous, noble senator who serves his country and has the hottest girl on the side.

1st Giulia scene scene: become the rich, famous, noble senator who made this marriage work / get Veronica somehow.

Pasacaglia scenes: become the rich, famous, noble senator who made this marriage work / GET VERONICA.

Poetry duel scene: become the rich, famous, noble senator who married for his country AND GET VERONICA.

By this point, that second objective of getting Veronica has grown so much that when push comes to shove in the scene with Veronica and Maffio, he attacks Maffio and runs after Veronica.

I Would Love You Now scene: must get Veronica or he will not be able to go on living.

Post love making scene: become the rich, famous, noble senator who married for his country and loves the woman of his choosing.

King Henry scene: become the rich, famous, noble senator who gets what he wants.

City of Lies scene: save Veronica--clean the slate, don't know what to do it, but he needs to save her--this is all that is making sense now

Prison scene: save Veronica by stopping Maffio and then when that fails, save Veronica by stopping her; make her confess so they can be together and he doesn't lose her.

Trial scene: save Veronica by surrendering his own self.

End: let her be free of any cage and live his life in hope for their love.

I'd say it's been a good few hours of discovery. I feel like I am begging to stand up on my own two feet and take charge of this character and starting to make choices. And it feels good. - Jason Heymann

(the arches get columns.)

(Laura posing in the new arches.)

(My wig fitting. Keep in mind this is without any dressings!)

(Trying to figure out the bang length.)

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